Another week of epic Timeless Alex Ross covers! The Mephisto one is one of his best ones to date! Go get yours before they sell out!

Mephisto Timeless Cover by Alex Ross - Scarlet Witch #3

Ultron Timeless Cover by Alex Ross - Avengers #66

Super Skrull Timeless Cover by Alex Ross - Fantastic Four #5

Dark Phoenix Timeless Cover by Alex Ross - X-Men #20

Black Cat Timeless Cover by Alex Ross - Mary Jane and Black Cat #4

1) Fantastic Four #5 - Story by Ryan North, art by Ivan Fiorelli, colors by Jesus Aburtov, beautiful covers by Alex Ross
I know it's not a surprise at this point, but FF once again makes the must have list for this week. North, Fiorelli, and Aburtov manage to make each issue of this outstanding series feel unique, which is perfect for a FF title. I'll keep ringing this bell until Marvel answers, but THIS is how you resolve a "mystery". Build up to it with three issues, reveal it in four, move on from it in five. Amazing Spider-Man is being held hostage by it's 22 issue reveal of a boring mystery. Fantastic Four is fresh, beautiful, and keeps my attention with each panel that Fiorelli and Aburtov bring to life. I've been on the Moon Knight/Daredevil/Ghost Rider Fan train for a while now, but this series is definitely the best new one Marvel has, hoping to get a good 20 issues at least from it.

2) Moon Knight #21 - Written by Jed Mackay, art by Alessandro Cappuccio, art by Rachelle Rosenberg
Broken record time, but Moon Knight really is one of the best comics you can read right now. Jed has really found a way to change the storytelling in each issue. This story is told from the perspective of Reese, and it's done very well. We get to see exactly what it is Blade has taught her, and she steals the show. Moon Knight shows up eventually of course, in a stunning panel from Rosenberg and Cappuccio, seriously, the art is so well done in this series. Kudos to everyone involved, and hopefully this train keeps running for a long time!